Sunday, March 28, 2010

Moshe Raice

We Finally have the answer to a big question that has been raised and that is how did Marvin L schwartz get involved as the lawyer in the case of Kol Yakov and it seems their is very good evidence that Marvin Schwartz has been having a affair of pure shmuts and adultery with Moishe Raice who is wanting control over money and the property of the yeshiva Kol Yakov


So all this and tropper what is in common? is it that the tresses and the tabaks are trying to dirty troppers name in order to cover up for the dirt and scandals of molestation etc that was being done by their friend Rabbi Kokis which seems that he has caught the sickness of some involved in the young generations chinuch lately ! ? well if it is to cover for him why use slander on others why not just ask him nicely for him not to be involved with children or bochurim and have his wife take a oath that she will not allow her husband to get close to any of the students of the school she is currently acting as a principal in (YSV)
Also is it a cover up for the problems Beis Yakov High school has been having with students of Rabbi Ribiat with afairs etc etc while there is many reasons to believe he has been having some influence on the students there where he currently still teaches and supposedly has had some very unapropiate advances towards students is it all protecting them? well if you guys would like to protect your friends than stay clean and stop with all your dirt you are into (swapping) (swinging ) etc etc and not dirt others just fix your friends up ! and if they cannot stay away from doing unapropiate things than have them resign their postions and maybe it will be easier !
Hoping all of you do teshuva one day soon !


Yes the Tress brothers well well what can i say ! the only question left unanswered is what is their connection to the faggot Marvin Schwartz the lawyer? is it true that while his wife Marsha is busy thinking she is doing paper work for him Marvin is really in the Tress office having a threesome with the brothers?

Saturday, March 27, 2010


First of all i would like to post a question!
What does Mr. Joe Tabak and the Tress brothers have in common!
Yes they are out there to bury Tropper !
can it be because they are jealous ?
can it be because they are trying to pull anyone down to their level ?
why is it that Joseph Tabak was already in BEIS DIN a few years ago with his wife demanding a GET (DIVORCE) because of his ex marital affairs? was it only credit card bills of lingerie he was buying for his mistresses ? or was it because he and Tress were in a game together having ORGIES rachmana litslon yes that is where i cannot understand are these the people that are so worthy? these are the people fighting to get others buries while they are one piece of porn! i will continue this blog but this is just the beginning ! maybe they will become smart enough and stop where they started and retire in order not to get their pics on line ! yes Mr. Tabak! it s legal to video tape u and your looks did not change enough for anyone not to recognize you! i recommend for the sake of your families Tabak and Tress STOP NOW or YOU GUYS WILL BE BURIED