Sunday, March 28, 2010


So all this and tropper what is in common? is it that the tresses and the tabaks are trying to dirty troppers name in order to cover up for the dirt and scandals of molestation etc that was being done by their friend Rabbi Kokis which seems that he has caught the sickness of some involved in the young generations chinuch lately ! ? well if it is to cover for him why use slander on others why not just ask him nicely for him not to be involved with children or bochurim and have his wife take a oath that she will not allow her husband to get close to any of the students of the school she is currently acting as a principal in (YSV)
Also is it a cover up for the problems Beis Yakov High school has been having with students of Rabbi Ribiat with afairs etc etc while there is many reasons to believe he has been having some influence on the students there where he currently still teaches and supposedly has had some very unapropiate advances towards students is it all protecting them? well if you guys would like to protect your friends than stay clean and stop with all your dirt you are into (swapping) (swinging ) etc etc and not dirt others just fix your friends up ! and if they cannot stay away from doing unapropiate things than have them resign their postions and maybe it will be easier !
Hoping all of you do teshuva one day soon !


  1. an editor might be a good well as a post explaining what is going on here....

  2. There seems to be alot of anger coming from the writer of this blog, but if there's something to be accomplished, it needs to rise above a rant, and some solid info and evidence.
    For now, it reminds me of the story of two people fighting and one says I'll tell everyone your daughter is a whore. He replies, I don't even have a daughter. So he replies, I'll spread the rumor anyway, and you go figure out how to clear your name.
    This site just creates rumors, but I suspect that many readers don't believe what they are reading, and assume this is nothing more than a personal vendetta.

  3. well it is in a way a personal vendetta it seems of the wife of the famous baal tsedaka that has been in beis din already for divorce a few years ago before reaching a settlement and seems he did not give up! he does it again and now his wife wants revenge as for the others it seems there is alot about them that they tried keeping away from the eyes if the community
